Presentation of BIOTRANSFORM at the Clustering event 'Promotion of the Andalusian bioeconomy through European projects'

Presentation of BIOTRANSFORM at the Clustering event 'Promotion of the Andalusian bioeconomy through European projects'

On July 5th, the European project BIOTRANSFORM was presented at the Clustering event 'Promotion of the Andalusian bioeconomy through European projects' by the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) consultant María García. This event, organized by CTA one of the consortium partners of BIOTRANSFORM project, has brought together 18 initiatives focused on the use of biomass and the sustainable development of the Andalusian region.

At the event, María García explained to the attendees what the project consists of, what are the main problems with the exploitation of fossil resources, the risks of raw materials in long and globalized supply chains, the challenges of rural regions to retain to the young generation and create sufficient job prospects for them, among others.

She also explained the three tools proposed by BIOTRANSFORM to carry out the transformation: Resource flow analysis that suggests circular bioeconomy solutions, a logistics tool to allow the optimal flow of resources and a quick impact assessment tool to assess the best possible decision.

The meeting, which has highlighted the importance of cooperation in innovation to promote the circular economy, has included both oral presentations and an exhibition and networking area. In addition, to facilitate the possibilities of collaboration between European projects, a 'Catalogue of synergies' has been designed, that is, a document that gathers technical information on the participating projects and their opportunities for cooperation.


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