CBE-JU, BIC, CEE2ACT event: Promoting Bioeconomy in Greece

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) is proud to have showcased our impactful projects during the recent event, "CBE-JU, BIC, CEE2ACT: Promoting Bioeconomy in Greece," held on April 15 at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. Through engaging presentations, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities, CluBE successfully highlighted the visibility of BIOTRANSFORM and its significant contributions to advancing the bioeconomy agenda.

During the event, 60 participants from multiple sectors had the opportunity to learn about BIOTRANSFORM, one of CluBE's flagship initiatives aimed at transitioning from linear, fossil-based systems to circular, biobased systems. Through compelling presentations and discussions, we demonstrated CluBE's commitment to driving innovation and sustainability in the bioeconomy sector.

The event was held under the auspices of the CEE2ACT HE project and organised by CluBE, the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Greek Bioeconomy Council, CBE-JU, and BIC.


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